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share of

  • 1 share

    1. हिस्सा
    Ram gave his share to his brother.
    1. साझा\shareकरना
    They shared the apartment.

    English-Hindi dictionary > share

  • 2 share

    भाग, हिस्सा, बखरा; शेअर भाग; हल का फल, हल का लोहा
    v. tr. & intr.
    बांटना, भाग करना, हिस्सा लेना, शरीक होना

    English-Hindi new dictionary > share

  • 3 share market

    English-Hindi Amateurish dictionary > share market

  • 4 plough share

    1. हल की धार
    The ploughshare is very pointed and very sharp.

    English-Hindi dictionary > plough share

  • 5 affinity

    1. सम्बन्ध
    I share a special affinity with her.

    English-Hindi dictionary > affinity

  • 6 arrest

    1. गिरफ्तारी
    Increase of crime rate led to several arrests.
    2. अवरोध
    He suffered a cardiac arrest.
    1. गिरफ्तार\arrestकरना/पकड़ना
    The ploice arrested the thief.
    2. रोकना
    Timely action arrested the falling share prices.
    3. आकर्षित\arrestकरना
    Her musical voice immediately arrested my attention.

    English-Hindi dictionary > arrest

  • 7 boost

    1. बढ़ावा
    This small gift as a token will be a boost for the child's improvement.
    1. बढ़ावा\boostदेना
    The unexpected increase in share prices helped to boost the market.

    English-Hindi dictionary > boost

  • 8 collapse

    1. विध्वंस
    The collapse of the Soviet Union has ended the cold war.
    2. असफलता
    The collapse of negotiations between the two nations has further aggravated tension in the border.
    1. टूटकर\collapseगिर\collapseजाना
    The building collapsed due to earthquake.
    2. बिमार\collapseपड़ना
    He felt giddy and collapsed on the way to the hospital.
    3. पतन\collapseहोना
    The company collapsed due to lack of capital.
    4. अचानक\collapseगिरना
    Share market collapsed due to Kargil conflict.
    5. सिमटना
    Use chair that collapse for small spaces.

    English-Hindi dictionary > collapse

  • 9 flat

    1. समतल
    This building has a flat roof.
    2. बिना\flatउतार\flatचढ़ाववाला
    He was speaking in a dull flat voice.
    3. मंद
    The share market has been flat for quite sometime.
    4. एक समान
    The contractor is charging a flat rate for supply of labour.
    5. संगीत का एक नोट
    This symphony has prelude in E - minor.
    6. पुराना हुआ पेय
    This soda has become flat due to long storage.
    7. पंक्चर हुआ
    He had a flat tyre on way to office.
    8. खराब होना
    His car could not start as the battery was flat.
    9. बिना घुमाव का होना
    He could not be selected for the army as he had flat feet.
    10. फीका
    The restaurant serves rather flat food.
    1. गिरा देना
    Due to floods, all huts near the river were razed flat to the ground.
    2. सीधा रखना
    Keep the furniture flat aginst the wall.
    3. बिना\flatउतार\flatचढ़ाव\flatके
    The singer sang all songs in a flat voice.
    4. अनुमानित
    I will be able to complete this work in two days flat.
    1. घर
    He lives in a flat on the third floor.
    2. समतल भाग
    He slapped him with flat of his hand.
    3. समुद्र किनारे का समतल भाग
    Salt flats are located on flat areas near sea shores.

    English-Hindi dictionary > flat

  • 10 flatmate

    1. साथ रहने वाले
    Ram and Shayam are flatmates as they share the same flat.

    English-Hindi dictionary > flatmate

  • 11 fluctuate

    1. घटना बढ़ना
    The share market fluctuates widely at times.

    English-Hindi dictionary > fluctuate

  • 12 foresight

    1. अग्रदृष्टि
    He has a good foresight of the share market.

    English-Hindi dictionary > foresight

  • 13 free fall

    1. नीचे\free fallगिरना
    Share prices of multinational companies went into free fall.

    English-Hindi dictionary > free fall

  • 14 free hold

    1. निष्कर\free holdसम्पत्ति
    She can buy free hold property.
    1. पूर्ण\free holdस्वामित्व
    Our family can share a free hold.

    English-Hindi dictionary > free hold

  • 15 futures

    1. वायदे\futuresके\futuresसौदे
    The futures have come down in the share market.

    English-Hindi dictionary > futures

  • 16 himself

    1. स्वयं
    He should come "himself" to take his share.

    English-Hindi dictionary > himself

  • 17 in a flat spin

    1. अत्यधिक परेशान होना
    Due to sudden fall in share prices, the market has been in a flat spin throughout the day.

    English-Hindi dictionary > in a flat spin

  • 18 litigate

    1. मुकदमा लडना
    He litigated his brother for a share in the property.

    English-Hindi dictionary > litigate

  • 19 participate

    1. भाग लेना
    I love to participate in social activities.
    2. भागीदार होना
    Ram participated in the share of property.

    English-Hindi dictionary > participate

  • 20 patriot

    1. देशभक्त/स्वदेशानुराग
    Every country has its share of patriots.

    English-Hindi dictionary > patriot

См. также в других словарях:

  • share — n 1: a portion belonging to, due to, or due from an individual a joint tortfeasor is liable for her share of the damages; specif: the part allotted or belonging to one of a number owning together any property or interest the share of a joint… …   Law dictionary

  • Share — may refer to:* Sharing (or To Share ); to make joint use of resources (such as food or money), or to give something away * File sharing * Share (Shayyar), a man who writes Urdu poetry * Share (finance), a stock or other security such as a mutual… …   Wikipedia

  • Share — 〈[ ʃɛ:(r)] m. 6〉 Aktie [engl., „Aktie, Anteil“] * * * Share [ʃɛ:ɐ̯ ], der; s, s [engl. share, eigentl. = Teil, Anteil]: engl. Bez. für: Aktie. * * * Share   [ ʃeə; englisch »Anteil«] der, / s …   Universal-Lexikon

  • share — share1 [sher] n. [ME < OE scearu, akin to scieran, to SHEAR] 1. a part or portion that belongs or is allotted to an individual, or the part contributed by one 2. a just, due, reasonable, or full part or quota [to do one s share of work] 3. a)… …   English World dictionary

  • share — share, participate, partake can mean to have, get, use, exercise, experience, or engage in something in common with another or others. Share implies that one as the original owner or holder grants the part use, enjoyment, or possession to another …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Share — Share, n. [OE. share, AS. scearu, scaru, fr. sceran to shear, cut. See {Shear}, v.] 1. A certain quantity; a portion; a part; a division; as, a small share of prudence. [1913 Webster] 2. Especially, the part allotted or belonging to one, of any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Share — (englisch für teilen) ist der Name eines Peer to Peer Programms, siehe Share (P2P) die Bezeichnung für die Laufwerks oder Druckerfreigabe in einem Computer Netzwerk, siehe Datei und Druckdienste der Nachname der ehemaligen französischen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Share — Share, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Shared}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sharing}.] 1. To part among two or more; to distribute in portions; to divide. [1913 Webster] Suppose I share my fortune equally between my children and a stranger. Swift. [1913 Webster] 2. To …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Share — puede referirse a: Se suele denominar share a la cuota de pantalla, aunque éste no es exactamente el share. Se puede referir a «Market share», término en inglés que se traduce por cuota de mercado. Torta publicitaria Share (P2P), software P2P de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • share — ‘plough blade’ [OE] and share ‘portion’ [14] are distinct words, but they are ultimately related. The former came from the Germanic base *skar , *sker ‘cut’, which also produced English score, shear, short, etc. Its German relative is schar… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • share — ‘plough blade’ [OE] and share ‘portion’ [14] are distinct words, but they are ultimately related. The former came from the Germanic base *skar , *sker ‘cut’, which also produced English score, shear, short, etc. Its German relative is schar… …   Word origins

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